Claudia Rubio's
Non-Invasive Healing
Claudia Rubio is a featured Certified Biomagnetic Pair Therapist at Sozo Healing House - a healing center whose mission is to provide the tools needed to heal the wholeness, mind, body and soul. Sozo Healing House is located at 51 W. Elliot Rd, Suite 105 in Tempe, Arizona.
Claudia is a recognized and award-winning Colombian actor who has discovered a pathway to healing others through a specialized, non-invasive Biomagnetic Pair Process that assists clients with health challenges related to Thyroid Disorders, Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Season Allergies, Depression, Hormone Imbalance, Gastritis, Digestive Problems, Herpes, Back Pain, Anxiety Disorders, Chronic Cough, Tumors, Fertility and more.
The environment we live in, is either too acidic or too alkaline. Our ideal and perfect state of being is neutral. The food we eat, the pollution and the air we breath, our sleeping habits, even the water we consume on daily basis can change our bodie’s pH level. Viruses, bacterias and other pathogens that lead us to mild to severe illness need either an acidic or an alkaline environment to survive and grow. No Virus or Bacteria can survive on a NEUTRAL pPH environment.
BIOMAGNETIC PAIR is a non invasive treatment that re-establishes normal cellular milieu through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity. The goal is to equalize the organism's pH level - a critical determinant of health.

An Introduction to Biomagnetic Pairing Therapy
The Biomagnetic Pair (BP) is a therapeutic technique developed by the Mexican scientist Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran more than 26 years ago. The technique focuses on eliminating the root causes of a disease, those that exacerbate it or impede rehabilitation of the patient. This is done through the application of permanent artificial magnets in different parts of the body that are in “Biomagnetic Resonance” and by adhering to the methodology prescribed by the discoverer of this technique.
With this technique it is possible to treat many ailments including contagious infectious, chronic degenerative, metabolic, dysfunctional, autoimmune, psychoemotional and tumoral diseases, as well as poisonings. The implementation of the technique reduces clinical symptoms, rehabilitates different functions of the body and reestablishes the person´s health and wellbeing. The result in many cases is a clinical improvement in the patient’s condition, without experiencing the side effects of conventional treatments, drug poisoning due to overdoses or anaphylaxis, antimicrobial resistance. It also helps reduce the risk of infection, hemorrhages or surgery complications, as well as reducing hospital stays, recovery time and rehabilitation.
The Biomagnetic Pair is not centered around symptomatology but rather on the etiological source of the health problem, even without the need for resorting to lab tests. More importantly still, a Biomagnetic practitioner is able to detect an internal pH imbalance before the symptoms begin to manifest themselves. This therapy is therefore especially useful as preventative medicine for simple, complex, chronic, degenerative diseases, syndromes, tumors, cancer, etc
How It Works
Living beings maintain their systems, organs and tissue in an amazing energetic equilibrium. Every second, billions of reactions and biochemical exchanges occur in the organism, allowing it to maintain its complex network of cells and tissues in balance. Cells need the appropriate environment to be able to live and correctly carry out their multiple functions. The ionic balance of positive and negative charges present in the cells and their environment plays an essential role in guaranteeing this suitable cellular climate.
Just like the healthy human organism has a temperature of between 36 and 37 degrees Celsius, its pH level, or grade of internal acidity, should remain in a range of neutrality close to the value 7. Pathogenic phenomenons are tolerated when there are fundamental distortions in the pH level.
The process of pH imbalance begins at the cellular level with the exchange of ions through the membrane. This bioelectric act occurs in all the cells of the body. If we take a blood sample, we eliminate the fluid until we have only the red blood cells left, and we apply a magnet, we can see in the microscope how the cells turn and point in one direction. The magnet polarizes the cells’ ions. The magnetic south pole provides a positive charge of energy (+), accelerates cellular activity, strengthens the acidic components, stimulates the production of proteins and speeds up the maturing process. The north pole, on the other hand, provides a negative energetic charge (-), reduces the velocity of cellular activity, increases the alkaline level, soothes pain, and reduces the concentration of hydrogen ions.
Magnetism therefore, influences the hydrogen ion of water, which has decisive effects on health (it is not in vain that we are made up of 70% or more of water). Disease or dysfunction in a part of the body is related to a distortion in the pH level. If we correct the ionic alteration through the help of magnets, the problem will tend to disappear. The organism will return to the point of equilibrium and the body’s fantastic ability to regenerate will restore its own health.
Almost all pathologies have their own Biomagnetic Pairs, magnetic fields that produce themselves with their north and south poles in specific parts of the body. The positive pole (created due to an excess of H+ ions) tends toward acidification and permits the presence and the development of viruses. In the case of the negative pole, which produces itself due to a deficit of H+ and the presence of free radicals, tends toward alkalinity and favors the presence of bacteria and other germs.
The location in the organism of these biomagnetic pairs is today already defined, thanks to the tireless work of Dr. Isaac Goiz throughout the past twenty years. He has identified, by pathogenetic codes, more than 250 biomagnetic pairs that correspond to the majority of diseases, ailments, dysfunctions, and syndromes. Common diseases are generally produced by only one Biomagnetic Pair, while complex illnesses and tumor processes are the result of associations between two or more pairs. The more complex the pair combination is, the more degenerative or terminal the disease.
Every disease can be treated by applying magnets to the corresponding poles. Through magnetic induction, these magnets oppose a charge with its opposite polarity and cause the charges to cancel each other out, restoring the natural pH balance in the affected organs.
Every disease can be treated by applying magnets to the corresponding poles. Through magnetic induction, these magnets oppose a charge with its opposite polarity and cause the charges to cancel each other out, restoring the natural pH balance in the affected organs. The pathogenic microorganisms disappear when the environment upon which their implantation, metabolism and reproduction depend is taken away. In this way, organ function in sick people is reestablished and the body is able to cure and regenerate itself, as long as the organ or the tissue has not reached the irreversible limit of the degenerative process.
For example, If a patient has contracted a viral or bacterial infection, the therapist will check the patient's body to detect which concrete pair or pairs are polarized as a result of the infection. The pairs that come up reflect the internal pH imbalance in a specific area of the patient’s body, an imbalance that is related to his illness.
Pairs of magnets correctly placed can facilitate the migration of H+ ions and free radicals from one area to another, in this way modifying the pH level in that area. Therefore, after detecting the pairs that the patient exhibits, applying biomagnetism will impact them and depolarize them with strategically-placed magnets, reestablishing and re-equalizing the patient’s internal pH level. From this moment on, the pathogenic viruses lose their genetic information and the bacteria lose their alkalinic environment needed by their metabolism to reproduce themselves.
During a session of the Biomagnetic Pair, the therapist places pairs of natural magnets of medium intensity and of opposite charges (positive and negative) on the specific areas of the patient’s body, with the objective of balancing the pH level.
How Many Sessions Are Required?
The number of sessions necessary to achieve full healing will depend on many factors like the kind of illness, how chronic it is and the patient’s response. No two sick people react in an identical way to any given disease. Every patient differs according to age, build, metabolism, lifestyle, nutritional state, mental state, toxin burden, and immune system. Additionally, how long the disease has developed, the damage it has already produced and previously administered medications also vary. However, often the patient already begins to notice positive changes in his health after the first session. On average, with a sequence of three or four sessions, one per week, one should see a great improvement in the majority of cases. For chronic cases, four, five or more sessions may be necessary.
Are There Any Side Effects, Risks or Restrictions?
The Biomagnetic Pair does not have secondary effects or contraindications and cannot cause medical iatrogeny. Unlike radiation, electricity or heat, medium-intensity magnetism does not break the hydrogen bonds in molecules. It cannot damage cells or tissue; instead, it reestablishes their natural conditions that may have been altered because of multiple reasons. Additionally, the therapy is fully compatible with conventional medicine and other complementary therapies.
The Biomagnetic Pair is a therapy as natural as the magnetic force on which it is based. Medicinal biomagnetism is an external process; it cannot destroy tissues, facilitate contagions, leave chemical residues, or produce medical iatrogeny or undesirable side effects.
This therapy is risk-free and should only be used with precaution in the case of patients with pacemakers (so as not to wear down the battery) and pregnant women. The Biomagnetic Pair can be used in conjunction with any other kind of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic treatments, except in the case of patients who have undergone chemotherapy in the last 12 months.
In fact, biomagnetic therapists advise their patients to continue seeing their conventional doctor on a regular basis, so that he too can follow the patient’s progress. However, it happens frequently that once the Biomagnetic treatment has started, doses of medication are reduced gradually and even eliminated in many cases, even in the case of chronic illness.
The conventional doctor should continually monitor the patient’s progress and adjust the intensity of the needed treatment accordingly. This is what happens, for example, in the case of a diabetic who goes to a biomagnetic session. He should take special care during the days following his biomagnetic session to constantly adjust his insulin dose. It is possible that the necessary amount of insulin diminishes “spontaneously” after the session, and therefore he will have to be very careful with it and consult his doctor, even though the doctor may not believe in the effectiveness of biomagnetism.
Another example is the case of patients with HIV or immunodeficiency. After biomagnetic therapy, patients may require a much smaller dose of medication. It is important for the patient to be in constant communication with his doctor and for the doctor and patient to agree on the best path to take for full recovery.
Conditions We Can Assist You With
Lyme Disease
Chronic Fatigue
Carpul Tunnel
Chronic Pain
Ulcerative colitis
Crohn’s Disease
Back Pain
Varicose Veins
Poor Circulation
Digestive Disorders
Pulmonary Disorders
Skin Disorders
Menopause and PMS Symptoms
Glandular Dysfunctions
Adrenal Fatigue
High Cholesterol
Sexual Disorders
Low Libido
Tennis Elbow
pH Unbalance
Emotional Issues
Attention Deficit Disorder
Energetic Unbalances
and MORE!
Meet Your Biomagnetic Therapist, Claudia Rubio

Life is a beautiful path that can surprise us in many ways when we heal its challenges
We all came with just one purpose, at that is, to master lessons
-- Claudia Rubio
Claudia Rubio is a Biomagnetic Pair Therapist at Non-Invasive Healing and an independent Healing Partner at Sozo Healing House in Tempe, Arizona.
Claudia is a recognized and award-winning Colombian actor who has discovered a pathway to healing others through a specialized, non-invasive, assisting clients with health challenges related to Thyroid Disorders, Irregular Menstrual cycles, Season Allergies, Depression, Hormone Imbalance, Gastritis, Digestive Problems, Herpes, Back Pain, Anxiety Disorders, Chronic Cough, Tumors, Fertility and more.
It’s been a long journey since Claudia first came to USA and all of her life challenges have lead her to a spiritual ‘wake-up.’ She started her path with meditation six years ago and it totally changed her perspective of life, culminating with a well-defined path in the Healing Arts.
Claudia started her holistic healing venture with one thing in mind: To assist in healing her brother who was suffering from a very rare brain tumor that was
significantly growing every year, creating pressure and causing him to lose various physical movements over time.
Claudia began researching alternative healing modalities and found biomagnetism to be an amazing one. She even tested it on herself. While she was doing her research she became ill with a very bad kidney infection. After only three biomagnetism sessions, her infection disappeared!
Claudia continued to hone her skills, discovering how to place the body’s pH level to neutral. In doing so with the use of a magnetic fields, the body has the ability to perfectly heal itself!
Her main purpose on this path was restoring her brother’s health, but as she continued her study and working with her clients, she began witnessing many healings from their health challenges.
Contact Claudia and see how Biomagnetic Pair Therapy can assist you:

Do you have further questions?
We look forward to assisting you!
Call us: 602.699.4280